The young lady probably realized at this point that her line of questions had led us into an awkward corner of shuffling feet…That’s when she dropped back to punt, finishing with: “Is everything going as planned?”
A Cowboy in Chinese Camp

When asked why anyone should listen to what a Cowboy in Chinese Camp, California has to say, Steve simply sums it up with: “I have no formal training other than English 101 and a Brett Harte High school diploma. I’m not sure how to congregate a sentence. I’ve always just wrote down what I see/feel and ultimately live. Whether it be horses, faith, health and the cancer experience or current issues of the day. Regardless of the topic, my writing doesn’t always fit everyone’s narrative and can certainly ruffle a few feathers if not worse. The mature solution of course to avoid being offended is obvious: don’t read it! Yet, for every negative comment I’ve received I have been honored to be messaged tenfold both in private and publicly by folks thanking me for speaking out with honesty on a current issue or sharing my faith or health issues like cancer that many fear and worry about but cannot articulate their feelings so as to express themselves. It’s also rewarding to hear from folks who have used an idea or concept to help with their horses and or their Horsemanship.”
Day Work
This article was written in 2020. At the time we were knee-deep in C-19 while up to our chin’s with sad-and-sorry three-letter agencies who’s CEO’s – scientist and disease “experts” couldn’t manage the make-up counter at your local Rite Aid (stupid smart people!).
The 29th Ride
The Horsemanship that we practice (whatever we want to call it) is principally grounded through intrinsic learning. That’s allowing the horse to experience various scenarios, while behind the scenes we’re quietly directing them in such a way the wrong answers are difficult, and the correct answers are easy to find.
The Big Wait
Oh sure, there’s moments in which it’s all out on the line, and you and your Pony will have to show some color. Things can happen fast and get Western in a hurry.
Know Your Horse
To be honest when a banged up stock trailer pulled in and two Cowboys jump out of the truck and unloaded a horse, I was never real excited to throw a leg over that horse.
Riding & Living for the Recovery – Not the Reaction
Living with cancer somewhat prepares a person for the possibility of bad news and “The Reaction” which can follow but the hopes of good news is where the “Recovery” should be found. Or should it?
Soft Gates
Ya know I don’t believe that horse had all four hoofs on the ground at any one point the entire day! We had saddled early to get started moving cows from a five-acre piece we were renting across the highway to a 17-acre field we had also secured to graze for a month...
This Old Saddle
The first saddle I actually owned came with a horse I purchased. The sellers were trying to sweeten the deal and I went for it. Looking back I should have known something was a’muck. The horse’s name was Elvis!
Extreme 100 day Mustang Makeover
Steve was honored to be a part of the event and has since planned to write a book on the experience.